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Why More Adults Are Choosing Orthodontics

smiling person holding clear alignerDo you hesitate to smile due to having teeth that are crooked, overcrowded or gapped? Maybe you think that, now that you’re an adult, it’s too late to do something about your smile. Not true! Gone are the days when braces were just for teenagers. More adults are seeking orthodontic treatment than ever before, whether it’s to fix cosmetic issues, functional problems or address orthodontic relapse.

The Reality of Orthodontic Relapse

One of the most common reasons adults seek orthodontic treatment is orthodontic relapse. This occurs when teeth shift back to their original position after braces have been removed, often because retainers weren’t worn long enough. According to Dr Zaid Wall (Dentist), retention is for life. Teeth continue to shift due to craniofacial development and natural ageing. If you want to maintain a straight smile, it requires lifelong responsibility.

The Health Benefits Beyond Aesthetics

While a straighter smile is certainly appealing, the benefits of adult orthodontics go far beyond cosmetics. Dr Wall emphasises, “Orthodontics is not just cosmetic. It’s primarily functional. When you reorganise someone’s teeth into an optimal configuration, it’s better for them in terms of how they look after it, how forces are distributed, and how the entire mouth works as a whole.”

Addressing Sleep-Related Issues

One of the surprising benefits of adult orthodontics is its potential to address sleep-related disorders, including sleep apnoea. By improving the alignment of teeth and jaws, orthodontic treatment can help create more space for airways, potentially alleviating symptoms of sleep apnoea and improving overall sleep quality.

Dr Wall notes that numerous patients have experienced such improvement. “As a byproduct of them getting Invisalign®, they came and told me, ‘You know, for some reason, I can breathe a lot better, and I’m snoring less.”

Modern Solutions for Adult Patients

Fortunately for adults, today’s orthodontic options are more diverse and discreet than ever before. No more cumbersome metal braces. Clear aligners such as Invisalign offer a nearly invisible alternative to traditional braces. These modern solutions come with their own set of advantages:

  • Efficiency: Treatment times can be shorter compared to traditional braces.
  • Comfort: Clear aligners use less force, resulting in less pain during treatment.
  • Convenience: You can remove aligners for eating and cleaning your teeth.

However, it’s important to note that clear aligners aren’t suitable for every case. Dr Wall can help determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs.

Take the First Step Towards a Straighter Smile

You deserve to enjoy a beautifully aligned smile that exudes greater confidence. Schedule a consultation with Dr Wall at TC Smiles and learn how adult orthodontics can improve your smile and oral health.


* Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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